國立清華大學國際產學營運總中心 > 最新消息 > 活動快報 > 2023 International Workshop on Microfluidic Chemical Plant
2023 International Workshop on Microfluidic Chemical Plant

2023 International Workshop on Microfluidic Chemical Plant

International University-Industry Collaboration for Innovation

為響應2050淨零排放策略及聯合國永續發展的目標,以及開創嶄新的化工產業鏈,國立清華大學與日本知名化工公司Daicel成立「 Daicel Corporation–國立清華大學產學研究中心」,共同開發微流體桌上型化學工廠,其目標是高質量和永續性的化學品生產。

National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) and DAICEL, a well-known Japanese chemical company, jointly established the "Daicel-Corporation–National Tsinghua University Research Center (JRDC)" to develop a new generation of microfluidic chemical industrial technology, that is, microfluidic chemical plant, which is aiming at high quality and sustainable chemical production. 

謹訂於2023年3月13~14日假清華大學台積館一樓孫運璿演講廳舉行為期兩日的活動,紀念中心成功開發首座大型桌上型微流體化學工廠,並藉臺日國際交流與產學合作論壇和技術發表會,提供先端研究與知識的交流平台。本次工作坊開幕大會榮幸邀請到麻省理工學院的 Klavs F. Jensen教授蒞臨演講,而聯合研發中心主任北森武彥教授也將會於閉幕大會演講。誠摯邀請您蒞臨參與,報名參加!

We organize a two-day workshop commemorating the first experimental plant consisting of large-scale serial-parallel microfluidic device combinations. Taiwan-Japan and international university-industry collaboration is another focus of this workshop as well as technical sessions. The workshop starts with the opening ceremony and panel discussion on this focus. The technical sessions exchange state-of-the-art research and technologies on the second day. The opening Plenary Lecturer is Prof. Klavs F. Jensen (MIT) and the closing one is Prof. Kitamori. We cordially look forward to your participation and would like to encourage the researchers and students to contribute presentations.  


活動地點(Venue):清華大學台積館一樓孫運璿演講廳Sun Yun-Suan Lecture Hall, 1st fl., TSMC Building, NTHU

活動報名連結(報名至3/7截止) (Registration until Mar. 7th 2023):https://forms.gle/1xyVFtw5oyY7FXoF8

論文投稿連結(投稿至3/1截止)(Abstract Submission until Mar. 1st 2023):https://forms.gle/gBVUEmBjenuRKbHV8

論文摘要範例(Abstract Template)Abstract Template

聯繫窗口(Contact)陳致真教授(Chihchen Chen) 03-5162403  chihchen@mx.nthu.edu.tw

Workshop Language: English