國立清華大學國際產學營運總中心 > 最新消息 > 校外訊息 > 【轉知】2019/9/27國際創新科技應用技術發表會,歡迎踴躍報名參加!


Global Innovation Presentation Conference



Global research institutes and professional product and service providers are expected to present their innovations and patented technologies, including applications and services of healthcare, materials and ICT in this year’s Taiwan Innotech Expo. Looking forward to spurring business opportunities, cross-license and cooperation of enterprises through this event, we cordially invite experts and scholars from the industry, academic and research institutes to enroll in the conference and share their opinions.


1.     期:2019927 () 下午01:00-04:30

Date: Friday, Sept. 27, 2018, 01:00 pm ~04:30 pm

2.     點:台北世貿展覽一館2樓第2會議室

Venue: Conference Room 2, 2F, Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1

3.    主辦單位:經濟部工業局

Host: Industrial Development Bureau (IDB), Ministry of Economic Affairs

4.    執行單位:財團法人工業技術研究院

Organizer: Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI)