專利授權區 | |
專利名稱(中) | 血液檢測方法 |
專利家族 |
中華民國:I658268 大陸:4877852 德國:3505921 日本:6676130 歐盟:3505921 法國:3505921 美國:US10,883,961B2 英國:3505921 |
專利權人 | 國立清華大學 100% |
發明人 | 銘,月,王,心莉,王,玉麟 |
技術領域 | 材料化工,生化醫藥,電子電機 |
專利摘要(英) |
A detecting method for blood is provided. The method includes the following steps. A sensing device including a base and at least one response electrode is provided, wherein the response electrode is spaced apart from a gate end of the base. Blood including blood cells and targets is disposed on the response electrode. The blood is separated into a first part and a second part, wherein the first part is in contact with the response electrode, and the blood cell count in the first part is less than that in the second part. A voltage is applied on the response electrode, such that an electric field is generated between the response electrode and the gate end of the base, and a detection current generated from the base is measured to detect a characterize of the targets. |
聯絡資訊 | |
承辦人姓名 | 劉千綺 |
承辦人電話 | 03-571-5131 #31181 |
承辦人Email | chienchi@mx.nthu.edu.tw |