
專利名稱(英) Scheme for 3D Voltage Type TSV Signal Transmission
專利家族 美國:9,312,856
專利權人 國立清華大學 100%
發明人 李培源,黃宗賢,張孟凡
技術領域 電子電機
A method for 3D voltage type TSV signal transmission, comprising transmitting a full swing signal of data with a first voltage through TSVs for each one of a plurality of slave devices to determine a transmission time required for data transmission to a master device. Then, full swing signal is sensed by the master device for reduce the first voltage to be a small swing signal with lower voltage. Logic "0" signals or logic "1" signals with the lower voltage are transmitted through the TSVs by the plurality of slave devices. It is sharing charge and balancing voltage level to a mean value for the logic "1" signals or the logic "0" signals by the master device.
承辦人姓名 李曉琪
承辦人電話 03-5715131 #31061
承辦人Email hsiaochi@mx.nthu.edu.tw
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