
專利名稱(英) Non-volatile Ternary Content-Addressable Memory 4T2R cell with RC-delay search
專利家族 美國:9,230,649
專利權人 國立清華大學 100%
發明人 黃莉悅,張孟凡
技術領域 電子電機
The 4T2R cell comprises a write transistor, a first variable resistive element, a first transistor, a second variable resistive element, a second transistor, and a charge control transistor. The first transistor is electrically coupled to the first variable resistive element in series, and the second transistor is electrically coupled to the second variable resistive element in series, for providing search paths. For operating in a search phase, a pulse voltage is applied across the gate electrode and the source electrode of the first transistor (or across the gate electrode and the source electrode of the second transistor) for determining whether the gate voltage of the charge control transistor changes larger than a match threshold during the period of the pulse. Different RC-delay of the variable resistive elements controlling the voltage change speed of the gate voltage of the charge control transistor determines the matching result.
承辦人姓名 李曉琪
承辦人電話 03-5715131 #31061
承辦人Email hsiaochi@mx.nthu.edu.tw
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