專利授權區 | |
專利名稱(中) | 輻射冷却裝置及其製備方法和應用 |
專利名稱(英) | Radiation cooling device and its preparation method and application |
專利家族 |
PCT:WO2023159413A1(公開號) 中華民國:I808520 美國:US20230137727A1(公開號) |
專利權人 | 國立清華大學 100% |
發明人 | 萬德輝,蔡孟廷,陳彥任,張思偉,陳學禮 |
技術領域 | 材料化工,能源科技,光電光學 |
專利摘要(英) |
A radiation cooling device includes a radiation cooling layer composed of a plurality of polarized materials with a high energy gap, the polarized material having at least one light scattering unit and a heat radiation unit, wherein the light scattering unit can interact with a solar radiation to generate scattering, and the heat radiation unit can interact with a thermal radiation and increase the energy intensity of the thermal radiation. |
聯絡資訊 | |
承辦人姓名 | 劉千綺 |
承辦人電話 | 03-571-5131 #31181 |
承辦人Email | chienchi@mx.nthu.edu.tw |