
專利名稱(中) 以飛秒雷射脈衝製備自我組裝奈米點陣列於透明導電薄膜表面之方法
專利名稱(英) Method for Forming Superior Local Conductivity in Self-Organized Nanodots of Transparent Conductive Film by Femtosecond Laser
專利家族 美國:8,835,215
專利權人 國立清華大學 100%
發明人 周卓煇,呂志鵬,王智,羅志偉
技術領域 材料化工,光電光學
A simple method is developed in the present invention for fabricating periodic ripple microstructures on the surface of an ITO film by using single-beam femtosecond laser pulses. The periodic ripple microstructures composed of self-organized nanodots can be directly fabricated through the irradiation of the femtosecond laser, without scanning. The ripple spacing of .about.800 nm, .about.400 nm and .about.200 nm observed in the periodic ripple microstructures can be attributed to the interference between the incident light and the scattering light of the femtosecond laser from the surface of the ITO film. In the present invention, the self-organized dots are formed by the constructive interference formed in the surface of the ITO film, where includes higher energy to break the In--O and Sn--O bonds and then form the In--In bonds. Therefore, the dots have higher surface current greater than other disconstructive regions of the ITO film.
承辦人姓名 蔡昀臻
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